Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Primary school nutrition? Let them eat cake

There may be problems with the School Nutrition Programme but there certainly are not with the Legislature Nutrition Programme with MPLs provided with a veritable feast of food to keep them fortified during plenary sessions.

Catering staff slave over stoves all morning to ensure the tables are groaning by the time the hordes arrive shortly before 2pm – and it is showing on the girth of some of the more portly members of the Legislature. In fact some of them are becoming positively rotund.

Some time ago as he observed the girth of members of the National Assembly expand in an almost exponential manner, one MP proposed that members should be weighed as they were sworn in so that there would be a record of if and how they had ballooned as the session worn on.

Unfortunately plenary sessions only last four days otherwise there would be a superb opportunity for a weight loss company!

1 comment:

darkstar said...

its the fat cats lapping and guzzling at the gravy train